short(er) and sweet(er)
I've been looking at some other blogs that have these short, sweet little posts and wondering if my posts are too long. When I have a post that starts in one place and goes all around and evolves and leads me to a perfect endpoint, I don't think they're too long. In fact, it's ok with me if it takes a while to get things all wrapped up and tied neatly with a bow. But sometimes my posts feel too long and I think if I had more time for editing, they'd be shorter. But, I guess that's not really the point of blogging.
Anyway, I have about a thousand and one things to do. I'm very behind on a huge project for work that is due one week from today. Tomorrow morning Dora and I leave to go to Nashville for the weekend, where we are meeting one of my closest friends, Kendra, and her kids and her mom. I am really looking forward to the trip, but there is a lot still to be done before I leave. Then, next week, I travel to Savannah for work and then on to Charleston with Brian and Dora for the weekend. And the week following I'll be in Raleigh.
There is a lot to do, so instead of writing something long and meaningful, I'm trying for short(er) and sweet(er).
I went to work early this morning and I had to stand in the parking lot for a while looking up at the sky. It was pink and blue and cloudy and glowing - ominous and beautiful all at once.
After a very long, long day at work, and even though I have a big, overwhelming to-do list, I decided to make savory sweet potato souffle and roasted broccoli for dinner. For some reason when I read the recipe I thought it wouldn't take too long. I was wrong.
Dora and I played peekaboo with the towel after her bath tonight. Her new game is covering up our endlessly tolerant cat Simone with the night-night, shrugging her shoulders and saying "where did Mone go?" She's also saying "ok" to everything, and asking questions in complete sentences. Tonight, Dora did not want to go to bed, either. She finally went to sleep after our third attempt, at 10 pm.
I had hoped to go to bed early, or have a productive evening even if it meant staying up a bit later than I should. The evening didn't go much like that at all. I guess that's the way it goes sometimes. I watched a preview for a new movie today, and in it someone says that motherhood is about accepting things that you cannot control. You better believe it, baby.
I don't think that your posts are too long or too bitter. I really love them. (Of course, I'm really not a short, sweet kind of gal anyway.) Hope you had a wonderful trip. Good luck with all you need to do.